Spot and buy best crypto assets ranked by our Laser Desk Score. Be aware of risks and make confident investment decisions.
Construct long-term crypto portfolio (Laser Index) with the help from our system. Configure it based on your risk and asset preferences.
Buy and hold constructed crypto index portfolio (Laser Index). Entrust our system to help you to diversify and to rebalance it. Benefit from the full power of passive investing.
We present you with complete picture for every asset in the market. We pool data from numerous sources to bring together a broad set of factors. We evaluate smart contract security, measure community strength, estimate business costs and analyze many other indicators.
We condense all collected data into just one number - Laser Desk Score - that is easy to operate and easy to understand. We organize information concisely and conveniently. With our product, complex in-depth analysis becomes swift and simple.
We invest ourselves. This is why we know what investors desire and how to deliver it. With support from the community we will build the best tool to spot, evaluate, compare and track crypto assets.